Season 2023-2024
Season 2022-2023
Season 2021-2022
Season 2020-2021
Monologues for Nothing
Monologues for Nothing is a project for young people (14 - 21 years old), who feel the walls are coming towards them as a result of the lockdown. With VR glasses, the participants enter a virtual world. In a magical flight, they soar above locations in their own city and then end up in the clouds. Messages from other participants are stored here and they can also leave a 'cloud message' themselves. With this, the project offers an escape from loneliness and boredom in the corona time.
Season 2019-2020
De Opera van de Vallende Mens (The Opera of the Falling)
‘De Opera van de Vallende Mens’ is a musical and visual research on the loneliness of sorrow. It’s a VirtualReality-Opera, inspired by interviews with people with a psychological vulnerability. With psychiatry as a mirror to the world we live in, the experience calls for reflection and universal recognition.